The secrets of Ambassador Petrella. Argentine diplomatic comedy


  • Carlos Escudé Centro de Estudios de Religión, Estado y Sociedad (CERES) / CONICET


The present document is partly an autobiographical account, and partly an analysis of some details related to the negotiations that took place between the Republic of Chile and Argentina as a result of the litigation of the Continental Ice and the heterodox paths of diplomacy to articulate positions, reveal data and obtain public and political support. In such scenario, the author is located at the beginning as a key actor to "put an end to the long history of territorial disagreements between Argentina and Chile" playing a particular role in the dissemination of "qualified" documents, but stripping political mechanisms, quarrels personal, mediatic and legal artifices as fundamental parts of the swings of diplomacy.


Argentina, Chile, continental ice, international law, Escudé, Petrella

Author Biography

Carlos Escudé, Centro de Estudios de Religión, Estado y Sociedad (CERES) / CONICET

Sociólogo experto en relaciones internacionales. Ph.D. (doctor) en Ciencia Política por la Yale University, con estudios previos en la Oxford University. Licenciado en Sociología. Universidad Católica Argentina. Ha obtenido beca Fulbright Hays (1978-81), Postdoctoral del Social Science Research Council (1983-84) y la beca Guggenheim (1984-85). Además ha obtenido el Premio Bernardo Houssay (Argentina, 1987), la Orden de Bernardo O Higgins (Chile) en el grado de Comendador (1986); además del Premio Konex a uno de los cinco mejores politólogos argentinos de la década (1996).
Actualmente Investigador Principal (J) del CONICET y Director del Centro de Estudios de Religión, Estado y Sociedad (CERES).


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How to Cite

Escudé, C. (2017). The secrets of Ambassador Petrella. Argentine diplomatic comedy. Raigal, (3), 143–152. Retrieved from