Problematizing the about is investigated, is written and produced. Students of Social work academic production. Bachelor's degree in social work. National University of Villa María (Córdoba, Argentina)


  • María Elena Flores Universidad Nacional de Villa Maria. Instituto Academico Pedagogico de Ciencias Sociales.
  • Maria Florencia Montes Universidad Nacional de Villa Maria. Licenciatura en Trabajo Social.
  • Verónica Natalia Martínez Universidad Nacional de Villa Maria. Licenciatura en Trabajo social.


The work presented fits into the need to discuss the production of students in training, specifically about that they write, produce and investigate social workers.

It is taken as a source of information the production offinal work of degree of students to obtain for the title of Bachelor of Social work from the National University of Villa María; they attended the cycle of Bachelor's degree in Social work from this House of studies.

The exploratory study takes the final work of degree (TFG) produced between 2009-2012, and has intended to valorise and make a critical analysis of the academic work of students.

Essay discusses the Dissertation for the degree course in Social work presented under the old regulation of TFG (resolutions No. 066/2001, 137/2001, 124/2004-171/2008), which envisaged the realization of research works to be implemented by the students to meet the requirement of carrying out your TFG.

We start to consider the proposal presented by the student as a TFG must give an account of their journey of university education and on the other hand calls to the teaching staff of the degree as to if from the same have provided tools for the questioning and understanding of phenomena and processes of social, and if it has helped consolidate, and to legitimate interventions of the social workers.

We argue that social research provides to the social work, the possibility of assigning a new meaning to professional intervention, from the conception of the necessary articulation between founded intervention and production of scientific knowledge.


Social Work, training, research, TFG, education

Author Biographies

María Elena Flores, Universidad Nacional de Villa Maria. Instituto Academico Pedagogico de Ciencias Sociales.

Dra. en Ciencias Sociales. Lic. en Trabajo Social. Coordinadora Licenciatura en Trabajo Social de la UNVM.

Maria Florencia Montes, Universidad Nacional de Villa Maria. Licenciatura en Trabajo Social.

Licenciada en Trabajo Social UNC. Becaria Doctoral CONICET. Auxiliar Docente de la Licenciatura en Trabajo Social del Instituto Académico Pedagógico de Ciencias Sociales UNVM. Especialista en Abordaje Integral de Problemáticas Sociales en el Ámbito Comunitario UNLa. Doctoranda en Ciencias Sociales de la Facultad de Trabajo Social UNER.

Verónica Natalia Martínez, Universidad Nacional de Villa Maria. Licenciatura en Trabajo social.

Licenciada en Trabajo Social UNVM. Auxiliar Docente de la Licenciatura en Trabajo Social del Instituto Académico Pedagógico de Ciencias Sociales UNVM. Doctoranda en Ciencias Sociales de la UNVM.


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How to Cite

Flores, M. E., Montes, M. F., & Martínez, V. N. (2016). Problematizing the about is investigated, is written and produced. Students of Social work academic production. Bachelor’s degree in social work. National University of Villa María (Córdoba, Argentina). Raigal, (2), 69–82. Retrieved from