Foreign Policy Argentina: historical insertion and current discussion.
Foreign policy of Nestor Kirchner (2003 - 2007)
In this paper, I going to address the Argentine Foreign Policy of Nestor Kirchner, included in his mandate as president between 2003 and 2007. Emphasizing the ideological implications that permeated the agenda and were the main tool to cement the country's strategy in the international topic. The methodological key that will structure the development will be from history in chronological terms. In this way, I will begin by briefly introducing the 90s as a prelude to the presidency of Néstor Kirchner. Without overlooking the fact that the situation at the time was a condition of possibility for this little-known candidate at the national level to come to power. It is expected, at the end of the writing, to be able to account for the two keys, the clear notion of opposition to foreign interference and the conception of the “Patria Grande” as articulators of the foreign policy of the period.
foreign policy, Néstor Kirchner, Argentina, autonomism, America LatinaLicense
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