Names of change. Outline for a cartography of political speech in Pro Argentina


  • Yair Buonfiglio CONICET. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.


The victory of the Cambiemos alliance in the latest presidential election shows the dislocation of the Kirchnerist discoursive hegemony. The political identities built in the preceding decade showed the inability to go on representing the social as a whole. Thus, a new political construction- the macrism- now attempts to become hegemonic. With this, new topics occupy relevant areas in the social discourse and new significances take part in the dispute for the legitimate nomination of the world. From a post-structural view of the social, but also with resources from the analitic tools of the narrative semiotic, we analysed four of Mauricio Macri´s speeches in order to identify the transformation projects he fosters, the topics that appear and the meanings that are built around the State, the society and work. After a decade in which the Kirchnerist speech configured the State as the fundamental agent in social transformation that assumed the mision of repairing the "damaged people", the Macrist speech considers it is the businessman the one subject who is in condition to produce the changes that are thought to be necessary. So the horizon is not equality any more, but the addition of individual talents and efforts. The State then appears in a secondary role that consists on collaborating with the businessman, the only agent who is considered capable of producing the necessary transformation to positively modify the life conditions of "the Argentinians"


political speech, kirchnerismo, macrismo, right turn, hegemony

Author Biography

Yair Buonfiglio, CONICET. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.

Graduado en Letras y doctorando en Comunicación por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Es becario del CONICET en el CIPsi-CIECS y miembro de un programa de investigacion en el Centro de Estudios Avanzados de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.


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How to Cite

Buonfiglio, Y. (2016). Names of change. Outline for a cartography of political speech in Pro Argentina. Raigal, (2), 39–51. Retrieved from