Race, Indigenous Movements and Other forms of democracy. Or a possible way to decolonize the racial brand


  • Rocío Soledad García Universidad Nacional de Villa María


The following article aims to generate contributions, questions and tools to think about race as a hierarchical axis of bodies, memories and knowledge in Latin America. A network of categories is then presented: race, indigenous movements and other forms of democracy, articulated and analyzed from a decolonial perspective. What happens when racial marks are drawn as forms of domination in various spheres of social existence? The writing leads us to the visibility of collective subjects that inhabit the borders of the racially delimited, with their memories, languages ​​and forms of social organization. Can we find there other forms of democracy that discuss the hegemony of liberal democracy? The proposed categorical fabric leads us to a hopeful answer.


race, indigenous movements, democracy, decolonialty, latin american

Author Biography

Rocío Soledad García, Universidad Nacional de Villa María

Licenciada en Ciencia Política. Forma parte de equipos de investigación del Instituto Académico Pedagógico de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Villa María. Se especializa en la perspectiva decolonial para reflexionar sobre los procesos de transformación social y política en América Latina. Se desempeña como adscripta en el área de administración pública de la UNVM.


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How to Cite

García, R. S. (2020). Race, Indigenous Movements and Other forms of democracy. Or a possible way to decolonize the racial brand. Raigal, (6), 52–65. Retrieved from https://raigal.unvm.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/raigal/article/view/316