Reading memories: literature as a knowing in the narratives of primary school students
In this article, narratives of students of Primary Education Teachers will be analyzed, written in the context of the subject Literature at the Primary Level of the third year of the curriculum. The signs of literary reading that constitute a poetic will be traced in these texts: scenes, practices, first contacts with literature, objects and representations about reading, school and personal canons, the incidence of educational policies and the promotion of reading. Poetics are understood as the various ways of interpreting literary texts, which underlie certain representations that configure a relationship with literature as knowledge. It is also interesting to analyze continuities and reconfigurations in this relationship, which acquires unique features in the family and at school. Reading literature in the intimate space is a knowledge that at school becomes learning and that sometimes stresses those first approaches. That is why it is interesting to think about the figures of learning literature that evoke the narratives of future teachers and the way in which they are related in their representations about literature.
Literary reading, readingpoetics, learning figures, school canon, canonmemory, reading biographyLicense
Copyright (c) 2022 Soledad Galván
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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