Digitalization, State of Exception and the disappearance of what we have in common



Ubiquitous digitalization redefines the patterns that guide the production and reproduction of power dynamics and wealth concentration. Millions of people, using unprecedented computing resources, recreate networked sociability mediated by algorithms, digital sociability, which imposes its own political and cultural references. In this context, algorithmic governmentality emerges that articulates and re-signifies life. Because of its impact on the very foundations of the human condition, this techno-social matrix enables the emergence of a permanent state of exception and a new extreme individual ethos, which weakens the mechanisms of social mediation inherited from liberal modernity and highlights the impossibility of constructing what we have in common, a necessary condition for the basic consensuses that make democracy possible.


digitalization, state of exception, algorithm, community, prediction, control, democracy

Author Biography

Enzo Girardi, Universidad Nacional de San Martín

Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM). Escuela de Humanidades, Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos (CEL). Docente de la Maestría en Estudios Latinoamericanos y en el Doctorado en Ciencias Humanas. Coordinador del grupo de investigación sobre Cibersociedad, ciberdefensa, ciberseguridad y protección de datos personales (C3PDP). Investigador invitado en el Departamento de Estudios Políticos Globales (GPS) en la Universidad de Malmö.


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How to Cite

Girardi, E. (2024). Digitalization, State of Exception and the disappearance of what we have in common. Raigal, (10), 41–54. Retrieved from