History of usurpation. Audiovisual narratives about Malvinas in 2012
Malvinas. The history of the usurpation is a four-episode documentary serie made by the Encuentro channel during 2012, thirty years after the war. The evocation of the Malvinas War is constitutive of the current social imagination, an unavoidable topic in the school curriculum and an issue that arises cyclically on the international agenda. It is present in the discourses of history, politics and art, constantly resisting being pure memory of an anniversary on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. In this sense, almost since the end of the war, audiovisual discourses of different types have been produced (fictions, documentaries, journalistic reports) that construct and reconstruct various collective memories around an experience that marked Argentine society. In this work we address the first episode: Rattenbach Report and the last: Malvinas, the American question.
Malvinas Islands, history, audiovisual, memory, sovereigntyDownloads
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