40 years of democracy in Argentina: political parties
In the work we develop the main characteristics that Argentine political parties and the party system they make up currently present and how they have been changing since the beginning of the current democratic period. We start from the characterization of party behaviors prior to 1983, that is, the antecedents of the current democratic period. Secondly, we focus on the political parties themselves, developing their origins, their electoral strengths, their social support and their ideological-programmatic positioning. Next, we analyze the different configurations that our party system has assumed since 1983 to date to, finally, focus on the main trends that can be identified in its transformation.
democracy, political science, political parties, electoral system, political ideologyLicense
Copyright (c) 2024 Juan Manuel Abal Medina
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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