Citizen security and social cohesion: a contribution from the football competitions


  • Martin Angel Aniceto Universidad Nacional de Villa Maria


The present work of social research, proposes to situate in the political scenario, concrete actions that contribute the citizen security, in post to improve the social cohesion through the soccer clubs of the city of Córdoba, specifically those affiliated to the Liga Cordobesa de Futbol in its 1 ° A and 1 ° B tournaments in its thirty-six clubs that compose it, extrapolating the security measures, under the situational and / or environmental prevention model, that are implemented At present, and as they contribute to a greater social decomposition.


Citizen security, social cohesion, football league, police, public politics, sport and safety

Author Biography

Martin Angel Aniceto, Universidad Nacional de Villa Maria

Licenciado en Seguridad, (por la Universidad Nacional de Villa María); Procurador (U.E. Siglo 21); Diplomado en Políticas Públicas para el bien común (ACEP); Diplomado en Políticas Públicas para el Desarrollo Local y Regional (ACEP y UNVM); Egresado del Programa de Gobernabilidad, Gerencia Política y Gestión Pública (Universidad Católica de Córdoba).


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How to Cite

Aniceto, M. A. (2017). Citizen security and social cohesion: a contribution from the football competitions. Raigal, (3), 113–130. Retrieved from