The Pope Argentine: analysis semiotic on the construction of the figure of Francisco in the press national
Although the pope Francis is a global religious and political referent, each of his actions are read in a local code by the local media, who from their assumption in 2013, continue to attribute a relevance role on political scene and social development of our country. During the election, consecration, first actions and official assumption of the Argentine cardinal and ex-bishop of the city of Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, as pope, the newspapers Clarín, La Nación and Page 12 reports the " Argentinization" of the events, which had worldwide relevance. In order to make a contribution, to understand this particular reading of the reality that the Argentine media carried out and continues to carry, this article summarizes a final degree paper in Communication Sciences of the National University of Villa María; describe, in a comprehensive way, a semiotic analysis and compares the communication and discursive strategies employed by the newspapers to analyze the related to the election, appointment and assumption of Bergoglio, in March 2013, as the highest authority of the Catholic Church, becoming in a fact with historical characteristics, but at the same time, with consequences in our days.Keywords:
Francis pope, nationals newspapers, social discourses, Catholic Church, politicalLicense
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