Actuality of Malvinas Islands in the Latin American context


  • Pablo Wehbe Universidad Nacional de Villa María


As soon as the Argentine justice decided to allow the Latam company to fly from Brazil to the Falkland Islands with a stopover in the city of Córdoba and, that the first trip takes place on November 20 (2019), the day on which When National Sovereignty is being celebrated, this decision will favor the consolidation of the British presence in the islands.

Dr. Pablo Wehbe leaves evidence, through this conference, of the absence of a coherent Argentine foreign policy, with the ability to force the United Kingdom to negotiate the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands, in addition to the lack of debate and inclusion of the subject in the bowels of the political parties of the Argentine Republic.

In this sense, the institutions of the Argentine Republic act in an uncoordinated manner in the treatment of said sovereignty (such as the Foreign Ministry and Commerce), enabling Great Britain, with skillful diplomacy, to establish itself in the Argentine territory of Malvinas and achieve one of the objectives long-standing, as is the increase in flights from the South American continent to the islands.


Islas Malvinas, sovereignty, strategic resources, Latin America

Author Biography

Pablo Wehbe, Universidad Nacional de Villa María

Abogado por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Doctor en Relaciones Internacionales por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata y Magister en Política y Gestión del Desarrollo Local. Es profesor asociado en las asignaturas Derecho Internacional Público, Teoría de las Relaciones Internacionales, Geopolítica, Derecho de la Navegación y Derecho Penal en la Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; y profesor adjunto en las asignaturas Sistemas y Regímenes Políticos Comparados, Política Internacional y Relaciones Internacionales en la Universidad Nacional de Villa María. Es columnista de temas internacionales en medios gráficos, radiales y televisivos.


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How to Cite

Wehbe, P. (2020). Actuality of Malvinas Islands in the Latin American context. Raigal, (6), 16–21. Retrieved from