Chile, a neoliberal society in rebellion (2019)
This presentation analyzes the social rebellion that has occurred in chilean society. Characterizing it as a neoliberal society. The constitution of this type of society has been the product of both the political action of capitalist restructuring carried out by the military dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet and the policies deployed by democratic governments (1990-2019) that have deepened, expanded and consolidated the neoliberalism in Chile. One of the main consequences of this political and historical action of more than 30 years has been the constitution of new citizenship. Made up of three different types of citizenship: traditional neoliberal citizenship, non-political
neoliberal citizenship, and anti-neoliberal citizenship named as subpolitical. It is our hypothesis that the social rebellion of October 2019 has been led by this citizen.
neoliberal society, neoliberalism, neoliberal citizenship, political and social fragmentation, social rebellionLicense
Copyright (c) 2020 Juan Carlos Gómez Leyton
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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