The dispute of the streets. When conservative actors bounce into the space of social mobilization
The current era of social movements opens up deliberate confusions that, depending on the lens of the beholder, can lead to misleading readings. On one hand, the mobilization of conservative actors appropriates the street expressing the will of democratic expansion memorials, on the other hand, a republican spirit is invoked to legitimize downright democratic choices. In parallel, political-ideological banners are unknown and they devote to universal values such as peace, freedom and justice. The truth is that at the slow musical rhythm of abandoning the street as a space of confrontation and claim the State was taking place and changed of the figures who occupied the public space. Conservatives who were unaware of the space are mobilizing putting in motion destituting practices. The research presented seeks to define the codes, practices, expectations and uses of memory that these sectors expose. We consider the social movilizations of June 2013 and March 2015 in Brazil as well as the ones in February 2015 in Argentina shows a new tendence. Along these lines, we compare thise events with other cycles of protest highlighting actions making visible the social conflict.Keywords:
social movements, conservative, crisis, Latin AmericaLicense
Copyright (c) 2015 Raigal
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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