Squirting kids? Media discourse and the criminalization of poverty



The objective of this article is to reflect the discursive dimension of the national media that criminalizes young people from impoverished sectors, and the influence it exerts on the construction of the subjectivities of society, between the years 2014 and 2019.

We know that both the content of media discourse and the way in which said content is presented build thought formats that are configured as truth systems that elaborate and condition people's subjectivities, presenting effects in the ways of doing, feeling and to think that they will influence the way in which society relates to the different groups that make it up(Arito, 2018).

That is to say, these discourses will condition the experience of the knowing subject, hinder the manifestation of the one who is being known, which will prevent the full use of his identity and the knowledge of it by the one who knows (Vasilachis, 2003).

Thus, if said discourse aims to criminalize poverty, providing a negative image of said sector, it is most probable that the relations that are established are asymmetric and of class differentiation/subordination.


social representations, social imaginary, stigma, stereotype, structural discrimination, poverty, poor youth

Author Biography

María Belén Montefinale, Universidad Nacional de Villa María

Licenciada en Trabajo Social, graduada de la Universidad Nacional de Villa María durante el año 2022. Es también Perito Auxiliar de la Justicia y ha completado el Tramo de Formación Pedagógica para Profesionales y Técnicos Superiores. Actualmente, trabaja en un Equipo de Orientación Escolar y en la Dirección de Asistencia perteneciente a la Secretaría de Desarrollo Humano de la Ciudad de Junín, provincia de Buenos Aires. En su función, ella cumple el rol de Trabajadora Social y de supervisora de prácticas para estudiantes de la carrera de Trabajo Social.  Además, forma parte del equipo de investigación de un proyecto que se lleva a cabo en el Instituto de Investigación de la Universidad Nacional de Villa María.  


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How to Cite

Montefinale, M. B. (2024). Squirting kids? Media discourse and the criminalization of poverty. Raigal, (10), 105–121. Retrieved from https://raigal.unvm.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/raigal/article/view/651